Some of you may notice that there is no longer artwork or additional character information here! You may also notice that the site loads faster and is generally less error-prone, Well there is a connection between the two!
I have removed much of the additional information and similar stuff because it was creating a variety of problems, in looking for a solution to this, it dawned on me that I was trying to re-create the wheel and that platforms such as World Anvil exist, ready to go!
So as of the 23rd of May, I have begun releasing early access to my patrons via World Anvil and will be hosting a public world that will update as normal. In it, you will find character sheets, bonus information about the different stories and the worlds they are set in, and if you are a patron, maybe even something no one else has ever seen!
I hope you all enjoy the new way I can share the ponderings in my head!