Newest on top!
What do you want to see next?! (Pick 2!)
- Something Smutty (Lots of Pancakes, probably a SciFi/Fantasy hybrid) (30%, 21 Votes)
- SciFi: Science oriented, Focus on Exploration (15%, 11 Votes)
- LitRPG: Homesteading with a couple as MCs (14%, 10 Votes)
- SciFi: Science oriented, Focus on aliens (14%, 10 Votes)
- LitRPG: Kingdom Building with 1 main MC and many supporting characters. (13%, 9 Votes)
- Fantasy: Magic focused story. (Think LOTR type stuff. No Reincarnation/transmigration) (10%, 7 Votes)
- I don't Know. (4%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 43

Do you want Akmedrah to do other events/media in addition to the writing? And if so what kinds of things?
- No, I am content with the writing. (53%, 32 Votes)
- Yes, More Character Artwork! (30%, 18 Votes)
- Just YES! (12%, 7 Votes)
- Yes, Livestreams of ...Stuff? (5%, 3 Votes)
- Yes, Narrations of stories (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 53

What do you want to happen in Second God? Pick 2!
- Cthulhu goes on a rampage! (26%, 32 Votes)
- Happy Ending! (Wrap it up nice and neat) (20%, 25 Votes)
- Just More Cthulhu! (18%, 23 Votes)
- MORE PANCAKES! (16%, 20 Votes)
- More on the Humans! (10%, 12 Votes)
- Who is this could it be a MyStErIoUs StRaNgEr? (7%, 9 Votes)
- Someone Dies! (3%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 79

What's your favorite series?
- Humanities first contact gone Oh, So Right (51%, 53 Votes)
- Second God (33%, 34 Votes)
- The Princess's Man (16%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 103

Time to vote for a new series for after HFCGOSR ends! Pick 2!
- Don't do another series, focus on increasing output of one-shots and parts of other stories. (30%, 32 Votes)
- Friendly Human: Have Ship Will Travle: When Iklith posted to the Galnet, she never expected a human to ACTUALLY turn up. Join Iklith and Gary on their adventures through the galaxy! (27%, 29 Votes)
- Expand Upon one of your One-Shots or previous Stories!: If this is selected another poll will determine which. (18%, 19 Votes)
- STORY3 (title currently unknow, in my google docs as 'SUPPER SMUT'): Follow Yoric as he is cast into the roll of instructor, lover, and sometimes friend to the noble daughters of an stellar kingdom. (15%, 16 Votes)
- STRONGHOLD: A story of a mage who finds a strange object after a meteor shower, and begins to chronical the strange things around him. (10%, 11 Votes)
Total Voters: 69